Thursday, July 23, 2009

سامي الجميّل، من بين كل «الأولاد»...

من بين كل «الأبناء» الوافدين إلى مقاعد الوراثة، وحده سامي الجميّل يستحق التوقف والتأمل والمتابعة. ربما لأنه بدايةً، ليس مجرد وريث محض. فهو «لملم» بعض نجومه، من أرض المعارك. شرسة كانت أو ليّنة. جدية، أو شكليّة. ولم يكتفِ منذ إطلالته على «القضية» بمجرد اسم العائلة، وهاجس تكريس الاسم الأول، و«تحفيظه» للمبايعين.
أيام الجامعة، كان حاضراً دوماً في الميدان، مع أن أترابه دأبوا على اتهامه بالتحايل والتذاكي، لـ«قطف الصورة». ويروون في هذا السياق دعابات وطُرفاً، قد لا تخلو من وقائع، لكنها لا تخلو أيضاً من حسد النجاح، أو غيرته.

لكن رغم تلك الروايات والاتهامات، أثبت سامي منذ تلك الأيام، هويته المشاكسة. حتى أقدم مرة مع رفاقه على إحراق العلم السوري زمن الوصاية. يومها نقلت الشاشات العالمية الحدث، فوصلت رسالة «رسمية» إلى والده، بأنّ «الولد» قد تخطى الخط الأحمر، وهو الخط الذي عرف الوالد والشقيق الأكبر كيف يحاذرانه، تجنّباً لدم لم يتأخّر.
بعد عام 2005 وزلازله وانتصاراته، أحسّ سامي بالخيبة الأولى، مثله مثل كل أبناء الجيل المسيحي لـ14 آذار، أولئك الذين قاوموا الوصاية ورموزها، ليجدوا أنفسهم فجأة بين خيارين: إمّا التحالف مع أيتام أبو يعرب، وإمّا التحالف مع أيتام أبو عبده. استدخل سامي خيبته، ولم يترك ثمّة مناسبة حزن عائلي. فجاء ميشال المر إلى كنيسة آل الجميّل معزياً، فوجد سامي له بالمرصاد. حاول الابن الثاني لصديق أبو الياس محاورته، على طريقة الشباب، ومساءلته عن دوره في الاحتلال والفساد والظلم والعهر والنهب... هرب المر. لحق به سامي إلى سيارته، ضرب على هيكلها، طالباً من المختبئ خلف الأسودين، الزجاج ونظارتيه، الخروج ومواجهة الحقيقة.

في بنشعي تحدث سامي عن الحريري وجعجع، ثم طلب موعداً من حزب اللهبعدها بقليل، كانت مفاوضات «المصالحة الكتائبية» قد بلغت شوطاً متقدماً، ما فرض حصول أول زيارة لكريم بقرادوني إلى بكفيا. وصل «رئيس حزب الجدّ» إلى البيت العتيق أول العشية. كان يتفكّر في وسيلة لكسر الجليد مع «الرئيس الابن الوريث»، بعد أعوام من التشاتم العنيف. عند السنديانة الكبيرة، كان ثمّة شاب يضع حقيبة ظهر، ويخرج من البيت غاضباً، ضارباً بوابة الحديد بعنف، احتجاجاً على قدوم الزائر. سأل كريم بقرادوني الجميّل الأب بحركة من اليدين والعينين عن هوية الغاضب وسبب غضبه. قال أمين: هيدا سامي... وسقط جليد الرجلين.

لكن جليد الخيبة تراكم لدى «الابن غير الضال»، فذهب إلى «حلف لبناننا». و«حلف» اختصار لمبدأ «حلف لبنان الفدرالي». في مدرسة اليسوعية ـــــ السيوفي، حيث أطلق سامي حركته، كان جمع من رفاق عمه بشير، وكان بعضهم يسرّ همساً: «المهم ما يتغيّر بس يوصل». حتى إن أحدهم من الحرس القديم، كان يردد أنه قالها له جهراً، في إشارة إلى المشوار الفكري نفسه الذي مشاه بشير، بين أنطوان نجم... وفيليب حبيب.
دارت الأيام دورتها، وكانت عنيفة مأساوية مجرمة على آل الجميّل، قبل أن يصل سامي. بعدها بدأ الامتحان، وبدأ سريعاً وصعباً. في الحزب، قيل إن ورشة تفاوض عنيف جرت بين جيلين وفكرين ومشروعين وسلوكين، قبل أن تنتهي الورشة إلى تسوية في السياسة والتنظيم والأشخاص. تسوية كانت كافية ليثبت سامي مرجعيته الحزبية، وليصير نائباً بالتحالف مع ميشال المر، ومع سمير جعجع. انقلب على نفسه؟ بل هو نضوج الواقعية والبراغماتية والجميّلية، ربما. لكن المهم أنه بعد النيابة فتح سامي كل الخطوط، إلا خطه الخلوي، كما يردد الصحافيون. ذهب إلى بنشعي، حيث تحدث طويلاً عن الحريري وجعجع، فأعجَب وأعجِب. اتصل بالتيار وأجرى أكثر من لقاء بلا إعلام ولا ضجيج... ولا نتيجة حتى اللحظة. وحتى اتصل بحزب الله، كما تردد، طالباً اللقاء والحوار والنقاش، وطالباً تحديد موعد ومستوى للبحث، ولم يأتِ الجواب بعد، في ظل مواقف إعلامية كتائبية على أعلى المستويات، توحي برفض الحوار.

ماذا يفعل هذا الجميّل الجديد؟ سؤال يطرحه المعنيون. حركة استعراضية؟ تعبئة فراغ؟ وطاقة الشباب ودينامية الجدد؟ تقليد جميّليّ وكتائبي يخفي لعبة سلطة؟ التساؤلات كثيرة، لأن المشروع غائب والحركة حاضرة. ولأن سامي ـــــ مقارنة بالأولاد الآخرين ـــــ يبدو من طينة أخرى، قادرة على النضوج، وقابلة لمشروع، ومستحقة للرصد والمتابعة

Angelina Jolie is back in Iraq

Random Things

Angelina Jolie is back in Iraq.

The Oscar winning actress/UN Goodwill Ambassador traveled to the Middle East on Thursday to lend her presence to Iraqi refugees. It is her first visit to the war-torn country.

See more photos of Angelina in Iraq

The Tomb Raider star's tour of the Middle East continues Friday in Amman, Jordan, where she is slated to be honored at a function by the children's organization, Arab Children's Congress.

The actress -- world renown for her philanthropy and humanitarian work -- reportedly brought her adopted 7-year-old son, Maddox, with her for the festivities.

Ronaldo to Star in Made-in-Lebanon Iranian Film about Palestinian girl.

Brazil's three-time world player of the year Ronaldo is set to play himself in an Iranian movie about a Palestinian girl who was killed before realizing her dream of meeting him.

Ronaldo has reached a deal to be part of the movie and will start filming as early as September in Lebanon, according to officials at the Brazil-Iran chamber of commerce, which is helping produce the movie.

Still without a title, the movie is based on the true story of Alneyrab, a 13-year-old girl who dreamed of meeting the football star when he visited the Middle East in a humanitarian mission in 2005. She was only able to watch her idol pass through along with his entourage, and later was killed in a refugee camp during a conflict in the region

Ronaldo's agent, Fabiano Farah, confirmed to Globo's Web site that the 32-year-old two-time World Cup winner has signed a pre-contract for the movie.

Ronaldo, who is thriving with Corinthians in his comeback from the third serious knee injury of his career, will appear in some scenes that take place in the girl's dreams, said Farrokh Faradji Chadan, president of the Brazil-Iran chamber of commerce.

He is expected to spend only a few days in Lebanon shooting the movie. Chadan would not disclose how much Ronaldo will be paid for taking part in what he called a "humanitarian" production.

Chadan said the deal to have Ronaldo participating in the movie -- which is expected to be finalized in 2010 -- was reached in June. One of the movie producers will be Mansur Sohrabpour.

Ronaldo has been a goodwill ambassador for the U.N. Development Program since 2000 and made a trip to Israel and the West Bank in 2005 as part of his campaign against poverty around the world. He was playing for Real Madrid at the time.

Ronaldo signed with four-time Brazilian champion Corinthians in December 2008 despite doubts he would ever recover from the knee injury sustained with AC Milan in February of that year.

After more than a year sidelined, Ronaldo returned to action in March and has already helped Corinthians win two titles in Brazil -- the traditional Sao Paulo state championship and the Brazilian Cup. He has scored six goals in his last four matches.

Ronaldo was a member of Brazil's team that won its fourth World Cup title in 1994 in the United States, and was the team's top player when it clinched the 2002 World Cup in South Korea and Japan.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Michael Jackson Memorial

Michael Jackson

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Brad Pitt

Brad Pitt was born in 1963 in Oklahoma and raised in Springfield, Missouri. His mother's name is Jane Etta Hillhouse. His father, William (Bill) Pitt, worked in management at a trucking firm in Springfield. He has a younger brother, Douglas (Doug) Pitt and a younger sister Julie Neal Pitt. At Kickapoo High School, Pitt was involved in sports, debating, student government and school musicals. Pitt attended the University of Missouri, where he majored in journalism with a focus on advertising. He occasionally acted in fraternity shows. He left college two credits short of graduating to move to California. Before he became successful at acting, Pitt supported himself by driving strippers in limos, moving refrigerators and dressing as a giant chicken while working for "el Pollo Loco."

Selena Gomez

Selena Marie Gomez was born to Mandy Cornett and Ricardo Gomez on July 22, 1992 in New York City, New York. At a young age, she moved from New York to a small town called Grand Prairie, Texas. Giving birth to Selena at 16, her mom Mandy recalls living "paycheck-to-paycheck". Selena started out on "Barney & Friends" (1992) as "Gianna" in 2001 where she really discovered her talent. Unfortunately, they dropped her from the series after just two years. In 2003, she had a very small role in the movie Spy Kids 3-D: Game Over (2003) and a bit part in 2005 when she played "Julie" in Walker, Texas Ranger: Trial by Fire (2005) (TV) with Mitchel Musso and in 2006 as "Emily Grace Garcia" in Brain Zapped (2006) (TV) when she recorded a song for the movie. She she guest starred as "Gwen" in "The Suite Life of Zack and Cody" (2005) and as Hannah's rival, the 'evil' "Mikayla", in "Hannah Montana" (2006). Selena's amazing talent landed her roles in two Disney series, both spin-offs. Unfortunately, neither show was picked up until 2007 when she got the role of "Alex Russo" in the magical series "Wizards of Waverly Place" (2007) which she auditioned for three times. In March 2008, she made her first animated movie Horton Hears a Who! (2008) and later starred in Another Cinderella Story (2008) with Disney Channel star Andrew Seeley for ABC Family. Her two Disney Channel Original Movies Princess Protection Program (2009) (TV), with real-life BFF Demi Lovato, and Wizards of Waverly Place: The Movie (2009) (TV) will both air Summer 2009.

√√ Free Patriotic Movement (FPM) √√

The Free Patriotic Movement (FPM) (Arabic: التيار الوطني الحر, Al-Tayyar Al-Watani Al-Hur), also known as the "Aounist Movement" (Arabic: التيار العوني, Tayyar Al-Aouni), is a Lebanese political party, led by Michel Aoun, a former commander of the Lebanese army who served as a transitory Prime Minister of one of two governments that contended for power in the final years of the Lebanese Civil War (1988-1990). The movement was officially declared a political party on September 18, 2005 Though, originally, most of the party's support came from Lebanon's Christian community, it is gaining considerable support and sympathy among Muslims. The FPM party advocates secularism and the right to vote for Lebanese abroad. It is one of the allies of Hezbollah.In 2006 the FPM signed a memorandum of understanding with Hezbollah organizing their relation and discussing Hezbollah's disarmament given some conditions. The second and third conditions for disarmament were the return of Lebanese prisoners from Israeli jails and the elaboration of a defense strategy to protect Lebanon from the Israeli threat. The agreement also discussed the importance of having normal diplomatic relations with Syria and the request for information about the Lebanese political prisoners in Syria and the return of all political prisoners and diaspora in Israel.On July 11 2008, FPM members, Issam Abu Jamra as Deputy-Prime Minister, Gebran Bassil as Minister of Telecommunication, and Mario Aoun as Minister of Social Affairs were elected into government. It is the Movement's first participation in any Lebanese Government.The Free Patriotic Movement launched its own broadcasting channel (Orange TV) on the 20th of July 2007, and their own radio station called Sawt Al Mada (voice of scope in English) on June 1st 2009.OTV Launched officially in 2008 after a testing period of almost six months. OTV covers the world through different broadcasting channel for Europe, North America (i.e., Canada & USA), Australia, and the Middle East. In addition, offers live streaming coverage on the internet.

Lebanon (my country)

Lebanon (pronounced /ˈlɛbənɒn/ or /ˈlɛbənən/; Arabic: لبنان‎ Lubnān; French: Liban), officially the Lebanese Republic (Arabic: الجمهورية اللبنانية‎), is a country in Western Asia, on the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea. It is bordered by Syria to the north and east, and Israel to the south. Lebanon established a unique political system in 1942, known as confessionalism, a community-based power-sharing mechanism. It was created when the ruling French mandatory powers expanded the borders of the former autonomous Ottoman Mount Lebanon district that was mostly populated by Maronite Catholics and Druze. Lebanon was the historic home of the Phoenicians, a maritime culture that flourished for more than 3,000 years (3700-450 BC). Following the collapse of the Ottoman Empire after World War I, the five provinces that comprise present-day Lebanon were mandated to France. The country gained independence in 1943, and French troops withdrew in 1946. Before the Lebanese Civil War (1975-1990), the country enjoyed a period of relative calm and prosperity, driven by tourism, agriculture, and banking. It is considered one of the banking capitals of Western Asia, and during its heyday was known to some as the "Switzerland of the East" due to its financial power and diversity at the time. Lebanon also attracted large numbers of tourists to the point that the capital Beirut was referred to as "Paris of the Middle East." Immediately following the end of the war, there were extensive efforts to revive the economy and rebuild national infrastructure. Until July 2006, a considerable degree of stability had been achieved throughout much of the country, Beirut's reconstruction was almost complete, and an increasing number of foreign tourists were pouring into Lebanon's resorts. This was until the one month long 2006 Lebanon War, between the Israeli military and Hezbollah, which caused significant civilian death and serious damage to Lebanon's civil infrastructure. The conflict lasted from 12 July 2006 until a cessation of hostilities call, by the UN Security Council, went into effect on 14 August 2006.

Russian language

Russian (русский язык, transliteration: russkiy yazyk, Russian pronunciation: [ˈruskʲɪj jɪˈzɨk]) is the most geographically widespread language of Eurasia, the most widely spoken of the Slavic languages, and the largest native language in Europe. Russian belongs to the family of Indo-European languages and is one of three living members of the East Slavic languages, the others being Belarusian and Ukrainian (and possibly Rusyn, normally considered a dialect of Ukrainian). Written examples of Old East Slavonic are attested from the 10th century onwards. Today Russian is widely used outside Russia. Over a quarter of the world's scientific literature is published in Russian. Russian is also a necessary accessory of world communications systems (broadcasts, air- and space communication, etc). Because of the status of the Soviet Union as a superpower, Russian had great political importance in the 20th century. Hence, the language is one of the six official languages of the United Nations. Russian distinguishes between consonant phonemes with palatal secondary articulation and those without, the so-called soft and hard sounds. This distinction is found between pairs of almost all consonants and is one of the most distinguishing features of the language. Another important aspect is the reduction of unstressed vowels, which is somewhat similar to that of English. Stress, which is unpredictable, is not normally indicated orthographically though, according to the Russian Language Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, an optional acute accent (знак ударения) may, and sometimes should, be used to mark stress (such as to distinguish between otherwise identical words or to indicate the proper pronunciation of uncommon words or names).


As obvious my name is Joanna , born in Lebanon 1987 , we traveled in 1992 to Russia due to my dad's business and I'm Russian till now :P, i love my country Lebanon very mush , I'm a web developer and i love my job , dreaming some day to go back to Lebanon. Did i mentioned that i'm in relation !! OK so I am , and I'll be married few months later, pray for me all :) , the most important thing about me is that I'm an FPM supporter , lot of youalready know that from facebook, and i really do believe that General Michelle Oun is the best christian man ever that well save all the MEA Christians from persecution, love you all and god bless Lebanon.